SEO Page Titles And The Yellow Pages

One of the biggest problems with the website of a local business is that they are too brand oriented when it comes to SEO. What I’m specifically talking about here is the page title. Instead of putting the keywords in the page title like “Small Business Websites” people put their name or their business name, like Nick Bielawski. The problem is that no one is looking for their name at all. Google states in its webmasters guide that the page title is really important as it tells the search engines and the searcher or consumer what the page is actually about. Nick Bielawski of Record Business Growth Consulting uses this analogy. “Think of this like a Yellow Pages ad. People go into the Yellow Pages to shop and to find a solution don’t they? They are not looking for your business name. They would use the White Pages for that.” So do yourself a favour and put your keywords in the page title. Check out the video about local business online marketing it has some great tips in it.

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